Meet Felicia Jones and Lamar Jackson Sr.

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Lamar Jackson’s success story wouldn’t be complete without acknowledging the profound influence of his parents, Felicia Jones and Lamar Jackson Sr.

Though their roles differed, both played crucial parts in shaping the young quarterback.

Meet Felicia Jones and Lamar Jackson Sr.

Lamar Sr., a former high school football coach, instilled in his son a love for the game from a young age. He coached Lamar’s Pop Warner team and nurtured his raw talent.

Tragically, Lamar Sr. passed away from a heart attack when Lamar was just 8 years old.

Stepping into the void with unwavering strength was Felicia Jones. A former track and field athlete herself, Felicia understood the dedication and discipline required for athletic excellence.

She became Lamar’s rock, his source of unwavering support and encouragement.

Felicia wasn’t just a cheerleader, though. She became Lamar’s first football coach after his father’s passing, running drills and honing his skills in their backyard. Her work ethic and determination rubbed off on Lamar, shaping him into the focused and driven player he is today.

Beyond football, Felicia instilled important values in her children. She emphasized education, the importance of community, and the power of resilience.

These values became cornerstones of Lamar’s character, shaping him into not just a talented athlete but also a good man.

Today, Felicia remains a constant presence in Lamar’s life. She’s not just his mom, but also his manager, a testament to the unbreakable bond they share.

Lamar’s journey to NFL stardom is a testament to the unwavering love and support of his parents, a story that goes beyond touchdowns and accolades. It’s a story of family, resilience, and the power of believing in your dreams.

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