May 2024 · 2 minute read

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Are you a fan of the song “Higher Ground” by Reach and want to learn how to play it on the guitar? Look no further than this amazing guitar tab tutorial video by Reach, where he walks you through the chords and strumming pattern for this catchy tune.

The video starts with Reach introducing himself and giving a brief overview of the song. He then dives right into the tutorial, breaking down each chord and demonstrating how to play them on the guitar. Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate player, Reach’s clear and concise instructions make it easy to follow along and learn the song at your own pace.

One of the great things about this tutorial is that Reach not only teaches you the basic chords for the song, but also provides helpful tips and techniques to make your playing sound more authentic and professional. He discusses the importance of proper finger placement and hand positioning, as well as how to accent certain notes to add dynamics to your playing.

Throughout the video, Reach maintains a friendly and encouraging demeanor, making it feel like you’re learning from a supportive friend rather than a strict instructor. This approach helps to create a relaxed and enjoyable learning experience, which is especially beneficial for those who may feel intimidated by more formal guitar lessons.

In addition to the chord tutorial, Reach also offers valuable insights into the song’s structure and dynamics, giving you a deeper understanding of how to interpret and perform the music. By the end of the video, you’ll not only know how to play the song, but also have a better grasp of the musical concepts behind it.

Overall, this guitar tab tutorial video by Reach is a fantastic resource for anyone who wants to learn how to play “Higher Ground” on the guitar. It’s informative, engaging, and most importantly, fun to follow along with. Whether you’re a fan of the song or just looking to expand your guitar skills, this tutorial is sure to help you reach new heights in your playing. So grab your guitar and get ready to take your skills to a higher ground!
