Philanemo Mushroom locations in Genshin Impact: Farming routes and maps

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Philanemo Mushrooms are a Local Specialty in Genshin Impact exclusive to the Mondstadt region. Travelers can either collect these shrooms by obtaining them in the wild or by purchasing them from Babak and Chloris' stores every three days. This guide will include a basic farming route for anybody seeking to collect this Ascension Material.

Only Mona, Barbara, and Klee currently use Philanemo Mushrooms as Ascension Materials in Genshin Impact. However, players could also use this 30 of this item plus ten Golden Raven Insginia, 50 Crystal Chunks, and 50,000 Mora to create an Anemo Treasure Compass.

That gadget will allow them to find chests in Mondstadt. Regardless of the player's intentions, it's useful to know where to collect this resource. Let's look at an interactive map in the next section of this guide.

Genshin Impact interactive map for Philanemo Mushroom locations

There are three general areas to visit in Mondstadt for farming all 53 Philanemo Mushroom locations in Genshin Impact. They are as follows:

These shrooms typically grow on the walls and roofs of buildings. You can zoom in and out of the interactive map however you'd like, but the farming route of this Ascension Material is pretty easy to follow.

Farming route example

An example of a farming route (Image via HoYoverse)

There are a few different ways to farm Philanemo Mushrooms in Mondstadt City in Genshin Impact. The above image merely shows one possible farming route, where you can start at a Teleport Waypoint and then hop from one building to another.

A Springvale farming route (Image via HoYoverse)

Springvale is pretty simple since you can use one Teleport Waypoint and go around the town. The above image shows a route involving the northern Teleport Waypoint, but the southern one by the lake is also fine to use.

The final farming route to cover (Image via HoYoverse)

The Dawn Winery route can easily be accessed either through the Valley of Remembrance Domain or through the nearby Statue of the Seven. Regardless of your teleport location of choice, you can head west and collect the few shrooms on the buildings.

It is vital to mention that these Local Specialties respawn every 48 hours. Every character that needs this item to ascend will need 168 of them, so you must do a few runs through these routes to get enough Philanemo Mushrooms.

Note: You cannot grow this item via gardening in the Serenitea Pot.


This is Babak's location (Image via HoYoverse)

There are two NPCs that sell Philanemo Mushrooms in Genshin Impact. One of them is Babak, who is seen in the above image. You can find this old shop owner in Port Ormos. If you open up the world map, this NPC can be found in the 's' of Port Ormos.

Each Philanemo Mushroom costs 1,000 Mora, and there are only five of them in total in this shop. The next vendor has the same price and quantity as Babak.

Chloris roams in this general area (Image via HoYoverse)

While Babak is stationary in Port Ormos, Chloris roams northeast of Windrise. Genshin Impact players can find her near the northern road shown above. It's important to note that both her and Babak's inventories reset every three days.

That means you could get 10 Philanemo Mushrooms from these two NPCs in one rotation.

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