Michael Conrad Braxton Jr. Instagram page, family pictures, videos

May 2024 · 1 minute read

Michael Conrad Braxton Jr. is the son of Michael Conrad Braxton Sr., a retired preacher and TV celebrity, and Evelyn Braxton, a qualified life coach and a famous opera singer.

Michael Conrad Braxton Jr. is the Braxton siblings’ only son. Braxton Jr. is a songwriter as well as a performer. He’s also appeared in episodes of Braxton Family Values, the family’s reality show.

Michael Conrad Braxton Sr., Michael Braxton Jr.’s father, worked as a Methodist pastor (The United Methodist Church is a collection of Protestant congregations) and for Baltimore Gas & Electric (Maryland’s major gas and electric utility and an Exelon Corporation affiliate).

Michael Braxton, despite his retirement, serves on the board of directors for Anne Arundel County (a county in the U.S. state of Maryland) and has substituted taught.

Evelyn Braxton is Michael Braxton’s wife.

Evelyn Braxton is a well-known opera soprano who is also a professional life coach.

Tamar, Trina, Towanda, Traci, Michael Jr., and Toni are Michael and Evelyn Braxton’s six children.

Traci Braxton Instagram page, family pictures, videos

Michael Conrad Braxton Jr. hasn’t been seen on Instagram in a long time.

He is not as active on social media as his siblings.
