Which NASCAR driver and team has the most wins at Pocono?

May 2024 · 4 minute read

The 2023 NASCAR Cup Series heads to Pocono Raceway for HighPoint.com 400 and excitement is really high as it has three distinct corners with each corner designed after a few other famous ovals.

Pocono Raceway hosted its first-ever NASCAR race in 1974 with a 500-mile race, where Richard Petty emerged victorious driving the #43 Dodge for Petty Enterprises. Since that race, some of the biggest stars and teams in the history of the sport have tasted at least one victory on the 2.5-mile-long tri-oval known as “The Tricky Triangle”.

Some popular drivers who won at Pocono include Cale Yarborough, Tim Richmond, Bill Elliott, Bobby Allison, Dale Earnhardt Sr., Tony Stewart, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Kurt Busch, Kyle Busch, and Jimmie Johnson.

But of all the great drivers listed above, there is no one in the top two on the list of drivers who has won the most Cup Series races at “The Tricky Triangle”.

A total of 40 different drivers have taken the checkered flag at Pocono so far. NASCAR Hall of Famer Jeff Gordon (1996, 1997, 1998, 2007, 2011 and 2012) and active driver Denny Hamlin (2006 sweep, 2009, 2010, 2019, 2020) lead the way in wins at Pocono with six victories each.

A total of 26 different teams have won in the Cup Series at “The Tricky Triangle”. Hendrick Motorsports lead the Cup Series in wins with 18 victories: Jeff Gordon (six), Tim Richmond (three), Jimmie Johnson (three), Dale Earnhardt Jr. (two), Kasey Kahne (one), Geoff Bodine (one), Terry Labonte (one) and Alex Bowman (one).

Meanwhile, eight different manufacturers have won at this venue and Chevrolet has won most times with 33 victories. They are followed by Ford with 24, Toyota (11), Dodge (seven), Pontiac (six), Buick (four), Mercury (two) and Oldsmobile (one).

Active NASCAR Cup Series drivers who won at Pocono Raceway

HighPoint.com 400 is all set to kick-off at Pocono Raceway on Sunday and 10 out of 36 NASCAR Cup Series Pocono Raceway winners are entered for the race.

Here is a list of active Pocono winners:

  • Denny Hamlin - (6 wins)
  • Kyle Busch - (4 wins)
  • Martin Truex Jr - (2 wins)
  • Alex Bowman – (1 win)
  • Kevin Harvick - (1 win)
  • Ryan Blaney - (1 win)
  • Chris Buescher - (1 win)
  • Joey Logano - (1 win)
  • Brad Keselowski - (1 win)
  • Chase Elliott - (1 win)
  • Catch teams and drivers in action at Pocono Raceway on Sunday.

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