Is goldfish or betta better?

May 2024 · 2 minute read

A 5- or 10-gallon tank would make your betta even happier. One goldfish needs a minimum of 20 gallons, while additional goldfish require 10 gallons per fish. Not only do goldfish grow larger than bettas, but they also produce significantly more waste, largely because they have no stomach.Click to see full answer. Keeping this in consideration, do betta fish or goldfish live longer?Bettas and goldfish do not belong in the same tank, and neither belongs in a bowl. You may have heard that a goldfish will only grow to fit its environment, and that is often true. However, it is far from a good thing. A stunted fish will have a shortened lifespan and be more susceptible to disease. can goldfish live in a betta tank? Short answer, no! There are many reasons why these two fish cannot be tank mates. First of all a betta fish is a tropical fish, originating in the waters of Thailand, the betta needs waters of 78 – 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Goldfish however prefer cooler waters of around 74 degree Fahrenheit. will a betta kill a goldfish? Goldfish Are Dirty (And Bettas Need Clean Water) And while bettas are hardy fish, they’re extremely susceptible to ammonia poisoning which can quickly kill them. But it’s not just the ammonia poisoning that can be a problem. Keeping the tank clean in itself can often affect your betta.Are Bettas smarter than goldfish?I would say Goldfish are smarter than a betta and oscar smarter than both. Probably also depends on the individual fish. Bettas, however, are smaller than some insects, so I figured they couldn’t be too smart A dog is much smaller than a rhinoceros, yet unquestionably smarter.
