Daniel Henney Responds After Hes Reported Dating Actress Ru Kumagai

May 2024 · 2 minute read

– Is Daniel Henney out of the market, right? On Monday, April 9, reports broke that the Japanese-American actress Ru Kumagai was dating the 38-year-old hunk. Fans became also further persuaded that the two were a couple because a “lovestagram.” sequence was reportedly posted by them.

Both stars also shared pictures on Instagram that indicated that they were at the same time at the same place. In addition, Daniel posted a picture of Ru’s dog Stella recently, and Ru was seen with Daniel’s dog, Mango. One of the photographs of Ru was also liked by the “Criminal Minds” star.
Daniel has not discussed the dating reports directly, although it has been refuted by his Echo Multinational Group agency. “After checking with him, we are letting you know that they are actor colleagues that met at a friendly gathering and that he is just close colleagues with Ru Kumagai. It is not true that they are dating,”It’s not true that they’re dating.

The department said, “We apologize for the late statement as it took a long time to check with him due to the time difference. Thank you.”
Daniel continues to tease his fans with a sexy picture of himself. A picture of him wearing a robe while carrying a cup and standing on a van, oozing its natural beauty, was recently posted by the American actor and model. “Mornings are for coffee and contemplation,”Mornings are for coffee and contemplation.

Daniel was born to a Korean-American mother, Christine, and to an Irish-American father, Philip Henney, in Carson City, Michigan. He began his modeling career in the United States and made his debut with a commercial for the cosmetic “Odyssey Sunrise” from the Amore Pacific in South Korea.
After starring in the South Korean hit television drama “My Lovely Sam Soon” he became a household name, especially in Asia. He later appeared in 2006 in another drama, “Spring Waltz” and in “Seducing Mr. Perfect” his first feature film in Korea. In South Korea, he won numerous awards for his involvement in ‘My Dad.’
