Cutest Bird in the World

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Cutest Birds in the World, although they majorly appear good looking, there are a few that are extremely good-looking.

This article seems to take a close look at some of them, however picking the top 5 for this list was no easy task.

The First Cutest Bird in the World Cuban Tody

It’s a  West Indies native bird. This tiny bird fits in the palm of your hand, covered in bright lime-green plumage with a rose-red throat and touches of blue on the sides.

Todies use their flat bills to catch insects, their primary source of food.

They’re fantastic insect hunters, catching up to one or two insects per minute in Puerto Rico, flapping their wings vigorously, creating a hummingbird-like sound.

Atlantic Puffins

Often mistaken for penguins, are small seabirds from the Auks family found mainly in Iceland.

What sets them apart is their colorful beak, with more vibrant colors increasing their chances of finding a mate.

These 10-inch birds sport black and white tuxedos and thick feathers to stay warm while swimming. They’re excellent swimmers, spending their days on the waves, and their flying skills are not their strongest suit.

When hunting, they can dive at speeds of 55 mph, flapping their wings up to 400 times per minute and diving down to 200 feet for about 20-30 seconds.

Puffins mate for life, use the same burrow each year, and live together for up to 20 years.

Third Cutest Bird in the World Peach-Faced Lovebirds

In South-West Africa in the Namib desert ,there lives a very cute bird called Peach-Faced Lovebirds.

These vibrant birds come in various striking colors, from yellow and violet to creamy-white and peach, along with shades of blues and dark purples.

Peach-faced lovebirds have charming personalities and can mimic sounds like parrots.

They’re known for their playful behavior, including twisting strips of raw material onto their backs for nest-building.

When lovebirds sleep, they sit side-by-side and turn their faces toward each other. How adorable is that? And who wouldn’t want to be called a “peach-faced lovebird”?

 Bee Hummingbird

Also known as “zunzuncito” in Spanish. These little wonders are just 0.03 inches long, about the size of a bumblebee.

They have the fewest feathers of any bird globally, and their heart beats at a remarkable 1260 beats per minute, second only to the Etruscan Shrew.

Bee Hummingbirds sip nectar from up to 1500 flowers a day and also dine on insects and spiders.

They flap their wings 80 times a minute, reaching 200 beats per minute during courtship, flying at speeds of 25-30 mph.

They usually live a solitary life, but during the breeding season, they form small groups and perform impressive aerial displays to impress females.

Their heads, chins, and throats turn a bright red, showcasing their lustrous-red feathers.

Long-Wattled Umbrella Bird

Also known as Elvis, a rare member of the Cotinga family. They call the high altitudes and humid forests in western Colombia and Ecuador their home.

The males have a long, inflatable wattle on their neck, up to 13 inches in length, covered in short, scaly feathers.

The females, on the other hand, have a smaller wattle, sometimes none at all. Males measure about 15-17 inches, while females are a bit smaller.

Both have short tails and a head crest, which I like to call the Elvis hairstyle. Males have slightly longer head crests.

Umbrella birds munch on fruit, large insects, and sometimes small vertebrates like lizards. Sadly, these birds are threatened by snakes, monkeys, and habitat loss.

Many umbrella birds now reside in protected areas.
