The Tragic Real-Life Story Of Slipknot

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

You'd think that Slipknot's hulking guitarist Mick Thomson would have little to fear in a physical confrontation, but as Rolling Stone tells us, in 2015 he was in a fight so bad that he left in an ambulance. Of course, in the interest of accurate reporting it must be mentioned that the person who put Thomson in hospital was his own brother Andrew, and that the Slipknot man very much returned the favor. 

As the two men left the scene in two ambulances, this was the reported situation: The Thomson brothers had been enjoying a few drinks in a house in Clive, Iowa, when they started fighting for reasons unknown. The inebriated battle progressed to the building's front yard, and at some point knives entered the equation. Both men suffered "non-life-threatening stab wounds," with Mick arguably the worse for wear due to taking one in the back of his head. Fortunately, both brothers survived the potentially deadly battle, though the police did note that "neither individual was very cooperative" when the authorities eventually arrived. 

Neither Andrew nor Mick wanted to press charges in the aftermath, but Clive police did charge them with "disorderly conduct by fighting." Still, this potentially lethal case of sibling disagreement had at least one positive outcome: It probably doesn't hurt Thomson's heavy metal credentials that he can now casually state that he was once stabbed in the head.
